For the first time there will be a possibility for all international readers and followers to make a wish. Pick a favorite trade catalog and I will scan it and publish it on the website for you.
One of the big issues before establishing the website was if it would be a .com or .no internet address. After evaluations with some friends they said it was better with a .no address because I would probably not reach so many international readers/followers. But now around 60 percent of all Google search are from abroad. Unfortunately my English sucks, so I will continue to write in Norwegian – though I am Swedish.

By the way. Still many readers dont know they can use Google translate on the website. Please do if you are interested in other articles. First use the search field and then translate into your own language.

To honor all international readers I want you to make a wish among trade catalogs in this article. The only thing that is necessary is to write your wish in the comments field below this article. Also Norwegian followers can come with wishes 🙂

The reason why I started this website is because Norwegian design is under-communicated. There is many reasons why. A major issue is that Norway is a nation producing raw materials, like oil, fish, gas, water energy a.s.o. But Norway mostly export their resources raw, and they are refined abroad.
Last couple of decades young Norwegian designers work more with international manufacturers. So now also intellectual resources is an export trade. We are still not good in promoting our own heritage. And the knowledge about it is bad.

In the long term my wish and hope is that we in Norway and other countries will produce and consume more of our own goods at home in the name of sustainability.
Since 2016 there is more than 750 articles published on this website. It have been a funny ride and sometimes a hard journey. But the benefits make all the struggles worth it. So please make a wish. All the best, Mats.
©Mats Linder /